
BREAKING NEWS: THE SENATE VETOES PRESIDENT BUHARI OVER ELECTORAL BILL Nigeria Senate passes electoral act into law overriding the President The Nigeria Senate has passed the Electoral Act No. 6 (2010 Amendment) Bill 2017 into law overriding the assent of the president . The amended act are as follows; 1. There shall now be full biometric accreditation of voters with Smart Card Readers and/or other technological devices, as INEC may introduce for elections from time to time. 2. Presiding Officers must now instantly transmit accreditation data and results from Polling Units to various collation centers. Presiding officer who contravene this shall be imprisoned for at least 5 years (no option of fine). 3. All Presiding Officer must now first record accreditation data and polling results on INEC’s prescribed forms before transmitting them. The data/result recorded must be the same with what they transmitted. 4. INEC now has unfettered powers to conduct elections by electroni
THE STRANGE WOMAN IN MY MATRIMONIAL BED. Part 2... (Written by Otulana Funso) Part 2 (The secret is out) "Sitting in my car, even with the air conditioner set to the lowest temperature, I was sweating profusely." "I cannot forget in a hurry how I allowed my bestie, Tega, to brainwash me with her sweet talks. She often told me how she makes a lot of money (off her husband) from the house keep allowance, house help allowance, school fees, NEPA bills, estate security/maintenance bills, even at every opportunity she gets. (She calls it.. extra income for the "Super-Smart Big Gurls") Ever since Junior entered primary school, I made up my mind to become a super-smart big gurl....Since, I the one in charge of liaising with the school and sorting out everything about junior's academics. It was very easy for me to cut corners. My husband usually sends the money to my account, He sends whatever amount I ask him to send for school fees. (Since he works outside t
THE STRANGE WOMAN IN MY MATRIMONIAL BED. .. .(Written by Otulana Funso) My husband walked into the house looking dull....No hug, no kiss, no hello! "He must have had a very rough day" I thought to myself "Afterall, Abuja to Ijebu-Ode is a very long journey" He went straight to His room, without uttering a word. (Dennis and I had separate rooms.) Though, we were free to sleep together in any of our rooms, I allowed him to rest and slept in my personal room instead. By sunrise, I had prepared his favourite meal and set the table. Dennis came out of his room, fully dressed ready to hit the road. "Hi Honey, hope you had a restful night?" I tried to engage him...He just nodded grudgingly, but did not say a word. "Oh! How I miss his soft touch and his romantic style of greeting...the way he calls my name, kiss my face, and sometimes he gently lifts me off the ground" Whistling, he simply carried his briefcase, picked his car keys and zoomed o

Want to Study in the US? here is your dream booster. (EducationUSA Opportunity Funds Program (OFP))

APPLICATION OPENS APRIL 1, 2018 AND CLOSES JUNE 30, 2018 There are many determined and talented, low-income students in Nigeria who only require financial resources and access to information to better their educational future. For the 11th year, the United States Embassy, Nigeria seeks to identify academically qualified and highly motivated, low-income students in Nigeria to join the EducationUSA Opportunity Funds Program (OFP). OFP’s mission is to assist talented and determined, low-income students who are good candidates for financial assistance from U.S. colleges and universities but lack the financial resources to cover the up-front cost of obtaining admission. OFP works closely with students through regularly scheduled meetings and seminars to assist them throughout the application process to secure admission and scholarships to attend colleges and universities in the United States. OFP finances the cost of the application process, including registration fees for req

The 80 year old man's Advice, so priceless

*ADVICE FROM AN 80 YEAR OLD MAN! IT IS A TRUE PRICELESS MASTER PIECE!* *1.* Have a firm handshake. *2.* Look people in the eye. *3.* Sing in the shower. *4.* Own a great stereo system. Music is life. *5.* If in a fight, hit first and hit hard. *6.* Don't expect life to be fair. *7.* Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday. *8.* Always accept an outstretched hand. *9.* Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. *10.* Whistle. *11.* Avoid sarcastic remarks. *12.* Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery ABSOLUTELY!. *13.* Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out. *14.* Lend only those books you never care to see again. *15.* Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that he has. *16.* When playing games with children, let them win. *17.* Give people a second chance, but NOT a third. *18.* Be romantic. *19.* Be

Lucifer and devil, are they same beings

Lucifer and devil in a perspective. A forth night ago, I was driving round town with a couple friends and having fun when the topic popped up, Lucifer is not same as the devil, they are two different beings. At that point I began to wonder, is what I was taught by religious leaders and preachers of the gospel as a kid and now an adult was not true and correct as it concerns the topic sentence (lucifer is same devil who was morning star in heaven). Seated on my driver seat I was no longer too comfortable so I asked: what do u guys mean by what you have said? They seem not to be able to dish out a good response or answer so later in the night I decided to do my research. What I got online were divergent opinions from men and women of like minds. At this point I need men and women who are truly enlightened to educated me on the subject matter: LUCIFER AND DEVIL ARE SAME BEINGS OR SEPARATE BEINGS.